Welcome to rustyx's web site!

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Some of my projects:

NoBuzz - laptop mosquito buzzing sound remover

Eclipse server-restart shortcut

Samsung CLP-510 page counter reset utility

Other links:

Google sparsehash docs

Blink protocol site backup

Base64 encoding/decoding

Encrypt page fragment in JavaScript

Generating CA-signed Elliptic Curve certs with OpenSSL

(Dutch) vrij-loon: open-source DGA salarisadministratie (link to github)

Various other stuff:

Pokémon Quest notes

Monitor test pages:

VA panel torture test - grey text on black background scrolling

IPS panel torture test - solid black page
(use keyboard shortcuts w,r,g,b,c,m,y,k,1..9 to change color)

Fun Google stuff: Click here to see where you've been. Click here to see what you've bought.